Keto diet, or also famous as the Atkins diet, is the most popular kind of diet currently. Keto diet is so popular for their effectiveness in cutting calories without having to starve yourself. Keto has 4 phases. Starting with induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance, and lifetime maintenance.

The most fat loss anyone can see, is in the induction phase. Where there is strictly no sugary ingredient and carbs allowed. I (the author) love to watch videos showing how to prepare a keto diet. Some of them look really delicious. And knowing that it can also help you lose weight makes it even more amazing.

Fiest yourself on the video, or you can directly visit the YouTube channel Water Jug Fitness to see how Jeff Taylor plan and share this simple meal prep plan for all you keto lovers. Basically, he will list all the ingredient in his videos and show how he weighs each portion of ingredient in his meal prep.